Robotics Storage Carousel Transport

Reduce Manual Transport, Congestion, and Access Issues with AMRs

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How Robotics Saves You Time & Money

Automate Putaway and VLM Delivery

Give 50% of your workforce productive picking time back and free up valuable inventory space. Sounds easier said than done, but that is exactly what adopting autonomous mobile robots for materials transport can provide. Traditionally, manual transport and expensive, fixed motorized conveyor systems were the only two choices for moving goods after picking. Your workforce ends up spending even longer manually transporting goods and materials across the warehouse (15 miles per day on average). Now, smart warehouses have a third option: leveraging AMRs instead. AMRs help reduce congestion and access issues, as well as free up valuable inventory space. The cost reductions and productivity gains are profound.

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It’s Simple

Let Robots Transport and Store Your Materials Instead of Your Busy Workforce

Make manufacturing & distribution operations more flexible, adaptable, and scalable by deploying Fetch AMRs to handle material transport to and from storage systems. At receiving, AMRs can be loaded with material as eaches or in totes, then dispatched to specific VLMs for putaway. Once product and material is picked from the VLM, it is placed directly onto an AMR or a FetchCart and automatically delivered to its destination, such as a putwall, packing, or shipping. Your workers do not have to leave the VLM storage area and you do not need to install permanent infrastructure such as conveyors. With the Fetch AMR solution, it is possible to actually replace portions of your conveyors with mobile robots, saving you more space.

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